Privacy Policy

Under this Privacy Notice, we, at Specsy optics, inform you What Personal Data Do We Collect when you visit our website or use our services, Why We Collect It, and What We Do With It. Your personal data means any information relating to you, in particular your name and contact details such as your home address, your telephone number or your email address.

Please take the time to read this Privacy Notice carefully. It is very important that you fully understand how we process your personal data and how we protect your privacy. If you have any questions regarding our use of your personal data or if you wish to report risk of data breach, you can contact us using the DPO contact details provided below within 72 hours of becoming aware about the incident.

Our contact details are: Specsy optics, [Phone No. 8885277767].

Important Note:

Our privacy policy is subject to change without notice at the discretion of the management. You are requested to review this policy periodically to avoid missing out on importance changes.

By choosing to use Specsy Website or Msite, you agree that you are at least 18 years of age & are a legal resident of India. You may request to delete any accidental personal information on minors provide to us by sending an email to the Data Protection Officer.


By choosing to use the website and/ or by providing your information, you are giving consent to the collection and use of the information you disclose on the website in accordance with our Privacy Policy, including but not limited to your consent for sharing your information as per this privacy policy. Avoid accessing or using the website if you don’t wish to share your consent.

By using our website, you express consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to the Terms of Use. Consent is expressed through an explicit and affirmative action and no such entity shall record such consent automatically, including in the form of pre-ticked checkboxes.

Also by giving your consent to agree and by submitting your data on our website, you are granting the right to the Company to contact you even if you have activated any DND service.

What Personal Data Do We Collect

Data We Collect When You Visit Our Website

When you choose to access our website, we collect and store some of your data in our server logs and in cookies, which are small files we send to your computer when you visit our website.

This data does not allow us to identify you directly. However, we do record data related to your browsing on our website, such as the pages that you accessed, the date and time you accessed these pages, your search queries, information on your device (hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifier, Internet protocol address, hardware settings, browser type, browser language), the date and time of your request and referral URL.

The provision of your personal data is not required if you only want to visit our website. This means that you may refuse to accept cookies by configuring your web browser accordingly (for more information, refer to the ‘help’ section of your web browser). However, refusing cookies is likely to disrupt your navigation on our website, in particular by preventing you from accessing certain parts of it.

Note: In general, you can browse the website without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. You always have the option to not provide information by choosing not to use a particular service or feature on the website. We may automatically track certain information about you based upon your behavior on our website. We use this information to do internal research on our users' demographics, interests, and behavior to better understand, protect and serve our users. This information is compiled and analyzed on an aggregate basis.

Data We Collect When You Sign Up Or When You Order Products

Some of the services offered on our website require you to sign up. If you want to use these services, we will ask you to provide us with personal data. Please provide us with complete and accurate data, and also inform us if your data needs to be updated. If you do not provide us with complete and accurate data, or if you do not inform us that your data needs to be updated, we may not be able to provide you with the services you requested.

We use data collection devices such as "cookies" on certain pages of the website to help analyze our web page flow, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety. "Cookies" are small files placed on your browser that assist us in providing our services.

We collect the following categories of your personal data:

  • Identification Data: We collect personally identifiable information (email address, name, gender, age, birthday, postal address, phone number etc.) from you when you set up a free account with us. While you can browse some sections of our website without being a registered member, certain activities (such as placing an order) do require registration. We do use your contact information to send you offers based on your previous orders and your interests. Other Voluntary Information: If you send us personal correspondence voluntary, such as emails or letters, or if other users or third parties send us correspondence about your activities or postings on the website, we may collect such information into a file specific to you.
  • Financial Data including, name, billing address, credit / debit card number and credit / debit card expiration date and/ or other payment instrument details and tracking information from cheques or money orders. Note: We do not store any CVV details.
  • IT Data including data related to your browsing on our website, such as the pages that you accessed, the date and time you accessed these pages, your search queries, information on your device (hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, Internet protocol address, hardware settings, browser type, browser language), the date and time of your request and referral URL.
  • Contact Data: We collect and upload users' contact list information. This information includes names and phone numbers. This data is collected for the third-party payment SDK number. We may also share this information with third-party service providers for the purchase in the application, to provide support to the customer and marketing and advertising. By using this app, you consent to the collection and uploading of your contact list information. If you do not wish to share this information, please do not use this app.

    There's one background service running that will sync the contact list from the device and use these contacts for marketing and advertising purposes.

How We Use Personal Data We Collect

We only use your personal data within the limits authorized by the laws and regulations. Sometimes, we may use your personal data because the laws and regulations require us to do so. In any case, we do not make any automated decisions based solely on automatic processing which may produce legal effects on you, or similarly significantly affect you.

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • We use your identification data to ensure you have a safe, efficient, smooth and customized experience. This also helps us to send across any offer and product related information to you directly. Such a process is [allowed/required] by General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR);
  • We use your financial data to help you to easily transact on our website. Note: We do not store your CVV details. Such a process is [allowed/required] by General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR);
  • We use your IT data to collect information about the products you like & the pages you’ve visited on our platform to enhance your shopping experience. Such a process is General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR).

How Long We Keep Personal Data We Collect

The period for which we store your personal data is shown in the table below:

Identification dataPermanent
Financial dataUntil Deletion of Profile
IT dataUntil Deletion of Profile

We want you to know that we will only retain your personal data for as long as:

  • it is necessary for the relevant purpose,
  • it is necessary to carry out our relationship with you,
  • you have consented to, and/or,
  • it is required by statutory retention legislation.

Choice To Opt Out:

We provide all users with the opportunity to opt-out of receiving non-essential (promotional, marketing-related) communications from us on behalf of our partners, and from us in general, after setting up an account.

If you want to remove your contact information from all Specsy lists and newsletters, please click on the unsubscribe link on the communication.

Those users who wish to withdraw their data from our portal shall write at and his/her data will be removed.

Personal Data We Share

Please note that we may share your personal data with our other corporate entities and affiliates outside of Specsy optics. These entities and affiliates may market to you as a result of such sharing unless you explicitly opt-out.

  • We may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process.
  • We may disclose personal information to law enforcement offices, third party rights owners or others in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to: enforce our Terms or Privacy Policy; respond to claims that an advertisement, posting or other content violates the rights of a third party; or protect the rights, property or personal safety of our users or the general public.
  • We and our affiliates will share / sell some or all of your personal information with another business entity should we (or our assets) plan to merge with, or be acquired by that business entity, or re-organization, amalgamation, restructuring of business. Should such a transaction occur that other business entity (or the new combined entity) will be required to follow this privacy policy with respect to your personal information.
  • Our website links to other websites that may collect personally identifiable information about you. Specsy is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those linked websites.

How We Protect Personal Data

We have measures in place to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure including, without limitation, the following measures:

  • We implement and maintain sophisticated technical measures to ensure that your personal data is recorded and processed in complete confidentiality and security;
  • We implement and maintain appropriate restrictions on access to your personal data, and on monitoring the access, use, and transfer of personal data;
  • All of our employees who have access to your personal data are required to enter into non-disclosure or similar agreements, which imposes obligations on them to comply with our data privacy and confidentiality requirements;
  • We require any business partners and third party service providers with whom we may share your personal data to comply with any applicable data privacy and confidentiality requirements;
  • We provide data privacy training on a regular basis to our employees and third parties who have access to personal data.

What Rights You Have

Under applicable data protection laws and regulations, you have the right to:

  • Access, rectify, and/or erase your personal data;
  • Restrict or object to its processing;
  • Tell us that you do not wish to receive marketing information;
  • In some circumstances, we require certain of your personal data to be transferred to you or a third party;
  • To the extent our processing of your personal data is based upon your consent, withdraw your consent, without affecting the lawfulness of our processing based on your consent before its withdrawal.

We are committed to enabling you to exercise your rights and, to do so, you can contact us using the contact information set out at the beginning of this Privacy Notice. Please provide us with the following information, so that we can act on your request with all due consideration:

  • Your name and surname, and a photocopy of your identity document;
  • Your specific request (in other words, what rights you want to exercise); and
  • The date of the application and your signature (if you send your application by post).

f you are not fully satisfied with our response, you can also complain about our processing of your personal data to the relevant data protection authority.

Changes To This Privacy Notice

We regularly review our compliance with our Privacy Notice, in particular to ensure that it complies with new laws and regulations regarding data protection. But, although this Privacy Notice may change from time to time, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Notice without your explicit consent.

Complete details of the Grievance Officer & Nodal Officer is as under:

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